
Brachioplasty (arm lift)

Women who struggle with excess or loose skin in their upper arms, sometimes known as “Bingo wings”, may benefit from an arm lift (brachioplasty). This usually occurs following a large amount of weight loss.

Excess skin in the upper arms can cause people to feel self-conscious and can limit the types of clothing that they feel comfortable to wear, especially during the summer months.


+ What will happen during my treatment?

Brachioplasty surgery takes approx. 90 mins in theatre and is carried out under general anaesthetic. Post-operatively a small drain is often inserted at one end of the incision site, to remove any fluid build-up that may occur, but the drain will be removed before you go home. Patients usually require a one-night stay in hospital.

During the procedure, incisions are made in the skin, generally starting from your armpit and running down to your elbow. The excess skin is removed and a suture used to close up the area, leaving a linear scar.

Following the surgery, you will required to come back to clinic after one week for a dressing removal or change, and check up to ensure everything is settling. It is recommended that you take one to two weeks off of work to allow for recovery, and you should be able to return to light activities within a couple of weeks.



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