
Lumps and Bumps

Skin cysts and lipomas (fatty lumps) can be removed for a number of reasons; most of the time they are removed for cosmetic reasons as they are deemed unsightly. Surgery is usually straightforward

and the resultant scar is often small. Suspicious moles or lesions are sent to the lab for analysis and

the results will be given in clinic at a post-operative appointment.


Sebaceous or epidermal cysts can become infected and can gradually increase in size with time.

Again, these are relatively straight forward to remove.


Lipomas are fatty lumps beneath the skin surface which can increase in size and become noticeable.

They are relatively common and can be easily removed. If there is anything suspicious or if they are large, then they will be sent to the lab for analysis.

Other benign skin lesions that can be removed include;

  • Skin tags

  • Seborrheic dermatitis / keratosis

Both the Nuffield and Spire hospitals house their own paediatric units, with a dedicated team of specialist children’s nurses, and we work closely with Leeds Children’s Hospital based consultant paediatric anaesthetists.



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