

Breast augmentation (enlargement) is a procedure whereby silicone gel-based implants are used to increase the size and shape of your breasts. The aim is to achieve a natural appearance that will suit your frame. The implant manufacturer I most commonly use is Mentor.

This is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures and is performed on patients who feel self-conscious about their breasts if they are naturally small, asymmetrical, or have lost volume following pregnancy or weight loss.

During your initial consultation, an implant sizing exercise will be carried out with with one of our dedicated plastic surgery nurses, using a specialist kit. This is used in order to help you choose a size and shape of implant that you feel comfortable with, and which helps achieve your desired result. Often more than one sizing appointment is required so that you can feel confident with this important decision.

All associated risks and complications with breast enlargement surgery will be discussed at the time of your consultation.


+ What will happen during my treatment?

Breast augmentation takes approx. 1hr in theatre. It is always carried out under general anaesthetic and you would usually stay in overnight following the surgery.

During the procedure, the implant is placed via a small incision which is made in the natural crease at the bottom of the breast. This is then sutured with a dissolving, buried stitch. As the scars settle with time, they will become barely perceptible.

You will be given full post-operative instructions before you leave the hospital and a review appointment will be made for you for one week following your surgery.

It is recommended that you allow 1-2 weeks for recovery, depending on the type of work you do.



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