
About Breast Uplift (Mastopexy)

The ageing process, breastfeeding and weight loss are all contributing factors to the breasts losing their firmness. This results in a change of their position, causing a ‘sagging’ appearance.

A breast uplift, known as a mastopexy, is a procedure that can improve the shape and position of your breasts, and help you to regain a younger looking physique.


+ What will happen during my treatment?

Breast uplift surgery is always carried out under general anaesthetic and takes approx. 1 ½ - 2 hrs in theatre. Your expected length of stay in hospital is 1 night.

During the procedure, the breast and nipple areolar region are lifted to give a more youthful appearance. Breast uplift surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic and patients usually stay in hospital for one night. All the stitches are buried and are dissolving.

Following the surgery, you will be required to come back to clinic after one week for a dressing removal or change, and a check up to ensure everything is settling. It is recommended that you take 1-2 weeks off work to allow for recovery, and you will be able to return to light activities within a couple of weeks.



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