

Male breast reduction (or gynaecomastia correction) is surgery to remove excess breast tissue or disc, the fat pad and also sagging skin which leads to the appearance of ‘man boobs’.

Gynaecomastia is the presence of excess breast tissue in men. This can occur for various reasons and can often develop during puberty. This can occur in men who have lost weight, resulting in sagging skin across the chest, or following the use of anabolic steroids. Whatever the cause, gynaecomastia contributes to being self-conscious when on holiday, taking your top off in the gym, and wearing certain clothing.


+ What will happen during my treatment?

The operation usually takes 90 mins in theatre and is always performed under a general anaesthetic.

The operation usually involves liposuction and excision of the breast disc via a small incision around the nipple areolar.

It is recommended that you allow two weeks for recovery, especially if you do manual work, or this can sometimes be shorter if you are office based.



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