
Ear Pinning

Prominent ears can result in teasing and can have a negative impact on a child’s development and wellbeing. Correction of prominent ears (or pinnaplasty) is a relatively straightforward procedure to set the ears back closer to the head and to recreate the fold of the ear.

Both the Nuffield and Spire hospitals house their own paediatric units, with a dedicated team of specialist children’s nurses and consultant paediatric anaesthetists.


+ What will happen during my treatment?

During the procedure, an incision is made in the skin behind the ear and stitches are then placed in the cartilage to set back and also reshape it. The skin incision is then closed.

The procedure is usually performed as a day case, under a general anaesthetic.

We work closely with Leeds Children’s Hospital based consultant paediatric anaesthetists.

Immediately after surgery a head bandage is applied, which is kept in place for a week. A head band is worn at night for a further six weeks and at this point it is possible to resume normal activity, including playing sports.



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