
Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

An abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck”, is a procedure to remove excess skin from the lower abdomen. This may be as a result of weight loss or following child birth. Despite exercise and dieting, it is often impossible for this excess skin to respond and it can have a significant impact on self-esteem, and also feel uncomfortable in certain clothing.

If there is only a small amount of excess tissue below the tummy button (umbilicus), then it may be possible to have a ‘mini’ abdominoplasty.

If you have lost a lot of weight, for example following weight loss surgery such as a gastric bypass or band, then you may need a more extensive abdominoplasty called a Fleur de Lys. In this case a large amount of excess abdominal tissue is removed and requires a longer stay in hospital.

The most suitable procedure is something which will be discussed with you at the time of your appointment.


+ What will happen during my treatment?

An abdominoplastyis performed under general anaesthetic and generally involves a two nights’ stay in hospital. The type of abdominooplasty you have effects the length of time it takes in theatre, however this can range from 1.5 - 3hrs.

During the procedure an incision is made along the top of the pubic area, which extends in to the hip crease. The excess tissue is removed and wound is stored. A drain will be placed in each side of the wound and this will be removed before you leave hospital. You will need at least two weeks work to allow for recovery post-operatively.

Following the surgery, you will be required to come back to clinic after one week for a dressing removal or change and a check up to ensure everything is settling.



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